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Next session will be January- Februrary, 2026.

To be notified when registration opens or for more information,
email me:

Read on to learn how the workshop works.

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Virtual Workshop

Ann Wasserman

Five Saturdays
3.5 hours per day

Shorter, alá carte options also available.

Session recordings will be available for three months for make-up and review.

  pine tree b      pine tree

Taking good care of antique and vintage quilts is taking good care of family, textile, and social history. It’s a wonderful journey!

I just sort of fell into working with old quilts, when my love of "old things" joined up with athe discovery of the wonderful world of quilts. I have met wonderful quilt owners and restorers, and I feel I've also met wonderful quilters of the past through their quilts. I have learned alls sort of fascinating new knowledge, and have had several amazing coincidental experiences. And now, I have 40 years of experience to share.

The workshop is appropriate for quilters, appraisers, collectors, and the keepers of family heirlooms. I'll guess some of you belong to several of those categories at once!

I'm thinking of a new subtitle, suggested by a previous student:
"How to make your old quilts sing again!"
And they do, indeed, sing when they are loved, cared for, neatened up, and brought back to life.  

favicon Video Introduction

Workshop Content:

-- Slide lectures.
    (1) philosophies, techniques, and supplies used in restoration and conservation
    (2) fabric history and quilt dating
    (3) supplies and tecniques used in storage, display, and cleaning - guest lecturer Martha Spark
    (4) introduction to supplies and tools
    (5) tips on how to run a quilt repair business

-- Session recordings will be available for three months after the last session.

-- How-to videos of sewing techniques will be posted permanently on YouTube. The links to these are available only to workshop students.

-- A packet of samples of fabrics, pins, needles, etc. used in the sewing, plus a block from an old quilt for practice sewing.

-- Triage sessions, in which each student can present one quilt for discussion of how and when and why to use the various supplies and techniques. All eras and styles are welcome.

-- A hand and shoulder yoga session - by guest teacher Katrina Atkin.

-- An on-going community of workshop alums with monthly share and chat sessions.

Workshop Logistics:

-- The workshop will be presented via Zoom. If you would like to to say hello and to make sure you understand sign-in procedures and Zoom mechanics, we can schedule a few minutes to do so.  

-- Some hand sewing experience will be helpful, especially appliqué and running stitches, but not required.

-- Maximum class size: 15. We can get to know each other and have time for questions and discussions.

-- My book, Preserving Our Quilt Legacy: Giving antique quilts the special care they deserve, will illustrate and remind you of the basics that this workshop both teaches and builds upon. You may order a copy via the AnnQuilts Shop at Square.

Alá Carte Offerings:
If you prefer less time commitment.

-- Some of the lectures are available as alá carte selections.
-- You can schedule a one-hour one-on-one session with me. This can be a stitching lesson or a quilt triage discussion.
-- Alá carte registrations do not include any of the other class sessions or supplies or online material.

• Five Saturdays
• Upcoming dates TBA
• Two sessions per day
• North American time zones:
    10:00-11:45am and 12:00-1:30pm (Pacific)
    11:00am-12:45pm and 1:00-2:30pm (Mountain)
    Noon-1:45pm and 2:00-3:30pm (Central)
    1:00-2:45pm and 3:30-4:30pm (Eastern)


Full workshop - $550. / $450. / $250.
-- Pricing is offered in three tiers. To make the workshop more accessible, you may choose how much you wish to pay. Two registrations at each of the reduced prices are available. All students will have access to all the live and recorded information. I trust and hope that you each find a balance between what you can afford and the time / knowledge I am offering.
-- Registrations received after January 15 may not receive supplies sample packets until after the workshop begins.
-- For refunds after January 15, please discuss your situation with me.
(Coupons available at checkout. Limit one per customer.)

Alá carte lectures
    • One lecture - $35. / $30.
    • Two lectures - $65. / $55.
    • All three lectures - $85. / $70.
(Coupons available at checkout. Limit one per customer.)

All lectures are at: 10:00am Pacific - 11:00am Mountain - Noon Central - 1:00pm Eastern
Each lecture is one hour + short break + Q&A, 1 3/4 hours total

-- Lecture topics:
1. “Quilt Repair Tales” 
Stories, philosophies, and techniques gathered over 30 years of repairing quilts.
2. “How Old Is It?”
Clues to dating vintage and antique quilts.
3. “Quilt Care and Preservation” - by Martha Spark
Storage, display, and cleaning.

-- All lectures are at: 10:00am Pacific – 11:00am Mountain - Noon Central - 1:00pm Eastern

Alá carte one-on-one sessions:
    • $75 for the first hour ($50 per hour, prorated thereafter) - Date and time will be scheduled in the weeks following the workshop.
-- Content: stitching lesson (techniques, supplies, etc.) -or- quilt triage session (pattern identification, date of quilt, choices for restoration or conservation of the quilt, guidelines for cleaning, storage, etc. Note: no value appraisal is included.
-- Always available.

• Registration and payment is via the AnnQuilts Shop at Square

Meet the instructors:

Ann photo -- Ann Wasserman has 40 years experience with quilt restoration and conservation. She is the author of the book Preserving Our Quilt Legacy: Giving antique quilts the special care they deserve. Full resumé.
Martha phoot -- Guest lecturer Martha Spark has over 30 years experience working with historic textiles in the museum environment. She was Collections Manager at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. She has been a professional quilt restorer for almost 20 years. Full resumé.








You can also meet me on the Just Wanna Quilt podcast!

Contact for further information:
-- Ann Wasserman - annquilts@comcast.net

PDF of Preserving Our Quilt Legacy flyer will be available, for your reference, or to share with your friends. Download.

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