Home Book Art Quilts Quilt Repair Lectures and Workshops Quilt History Costumes Resumé Contact
by Ann Wasserman
Antique and Vintage Quilt Repair / Lectures and Lessons / Art Quilts
Sharing knowledge and experience
• In-depth Virtual GroupWorkshop
• Virtual Private Lessons
• Lessons with Personalized Video and Fabric Packet
Preserving Our Quilt Legacy
by Ann Wasserman
Preserving Our Quilt Legacy: |
Quilt restoration, conservation, and preservation. Techniques, supplies. Fully illustrated. Paperback book. $29.95 |
Preserving Our Quilt Legacy
Virtual Workshop
Full Workshop: You can meet me on the *** Other learning options are described on my |
Video Introduction
"That was the most interesting lecture I’ve seen in a long time. I was looking for something different and your lecture certainly fit the bill. I think a lot of quilters are looking forward to what’s next in the quilting world and forget about the incredible history of it all. Thank you so much for an amazing talk and I hope to learn more from you again."
Linda Evans, Program Chair, Quinobequin Quilters, MA
Contact and Social Media
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I have been sewing most of my life, and have been self-employed in various aspects of fiber art since 1980. My background in anthropology leads me to enjoy both the social history of quilts and quiltmaking as well as the creative process of expression in my own work. I restore and conserve antique and vintage quilts, teach about quilt care, lecutre about quilt history and design, and I create fiber artworks.
A major part of my quilt work is restoring and conserving antique quilts. I have published a book describing 40 years of learning and experience in this field. I teach an in-depth, virtual, quilt repair and care workshop. I am expanding my teaching to also include one-on-one online sessions, and a more thorough, unique, instructional packet that includes a personalized demo video and repair fabrics from my large fabric stash for your sewing.
In addition to my repair work, I have lectured on quilt history and design at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Textile Arts Centre, and the Field Museum in Chicago, and many quilt guilds and historical societies. I have taught numerous classes and workshops through quilt shops and adult education programs.
My art quilts have been shown and published throughout the U.S. and in Japan, and have received awards from the Barrington Area Arts Council in IL and the Sacred Threads show in Reynoldsburg, OH. Publications include "Patchwork Quilt Senka" in Japan and "Connecting Stitches: Quilts in Illinois Life". I accept corporate and private commissions for my quilted fiber art as well.
I also have 15 years experience in theater costuming. I was a company co-founder and head costumer of Thin Ice Ensemble Theater, a youth theater program. I have also worked with dance costuming at Dance Center Evanston and the Evanston Dance Ensemble. In addition, I repair and restore vintage clothing for RareJule Vintage on Etsy.
Home Book Art Quilts Quilt Repair Lectures and Workshops Quilt History Costumes Resumé Contact
Website created and maintained by Ann Wasserman.
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All artwork, electronic images, and text are copyright ©2025 by Ann Wasserman.