Open Your Mind, Open Your Heart

Open Your Mind, Open Your Heart

This quilt was mainly a design exercise at the time I made it. I began sewing it while I was pregnant with my first child and completed it after she was born. Bubbles floating out of a disappearing grid do bring concepts like "birth" and "freedom" to mind, and motherhood certainly has brought much to my life in the way of rebirth, newfound freedoms and strengths. So I guess there really is more to this quilt than a mere design exercise.

Date: 1991

Size: 28" x 40"

Materials/techniques: cotton, nylon, organza, sparkle organza. machine pieced, tucked, pintucked, and quilted. hand appliquéd. stuffed bubbles. and one bead on the back.

Shown: Kentucky Fall Festival of Quilts, 1992. Stocker Art Center, OH, 1994. Wild Goose Chase Quilt Gallery, IL, 1994. College of DuPage, IL, 1997. Contemporary Quilt Design, The Chicago Athenaeum at Schaumburg, IL, 2001.

Price: NSF

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